i missed another fiction post yesterday, and there was really no need for it. i could have posted what i have so far and updated it today, but i have this hang up with half-done shit that is irrational since the point isn’t to be done, but to show my work and progress in real time. i am letting myself down by not posting on schedule, and if anyone is paying attention, it shows that i’m not able to meet even my own simple deadlines. not a good look.
mom all fairness, life is insane and i feel a bit like i’m not in control of my own time lately. i’m busier than i’ve been in a long time at work as a result of some new developments with a situation i’ve been following for the past year and a half, and it seems like every day there is something that is keeping me away from the keyboard. first off, shanima is starting work an hour later than usual this week because the school she works at is closed for a winter break, so i don’t have a full 45 minutes of dedicated writing time in the mornings, and i’ve been continuing my job work on the train in the afternoon, so that time is out the window, too. i try to write in bed at night before drifting off to sleep, but that is not a very productive time for me so it’s not a good fallback time. and i don’t have the luxury of just staying up late and powering through while i have the job i do, because it requires me to be in top form every day.
meanwhile, much of my creative energy is being absorbed by photography work, with three separate gigs this week that each present a significant creative challenge. this may be the worst week ever for me to try and tackle the next chapter and a half of my book so that i can meet my hard deadline of saturday delivery, but it’s only wednesday and there is still a lot of week left (and truth be told, not much writing that needs to be done). and as one of my favorite fitness youtubers always says, “if it was easy, everybody would.” obviously his version ends with “everybody would be fit,” but in this case, i can trade that out for “everybody would write a novel.” maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but you get the point.
note: apparently this didn’t publish yesterday even though that is when i wrote it. so yeah, back-dating this to the 20th because fuck you internet you don’t tell me what time it is.